
It's all in the bag

I always feel extremely pleased when I hear good news for a change, especially when it occurs in the morning before I have even finished my daily coffee. Whole Foods is taking the first step toward building a better earth as it is going to stop using disposable plastic bags forcing its customers to bring re-usable grocery bags with them. Some critics say that this may ultimately harm the small chain but I am guessing those critics are the same ones that double bag their groceries with plastic bags.

There is nothing sexy about polluting the earth where our offspring will be forced to live in the future. But there is something sexy about showing you care about something that will truly make a difference. Spread the word and do your part with this fabulous Green tote from Fred Flare. Stop using paper & plastic and start reusing. A little change can make a world of difference!

*image courtesy of FredFlare.com

"Resist Plastic" tote, $28. FredFlare.com.

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