
For the love of Babies!

It's that time again! I am participating in my county's upcoming March of Dimes March for Babies (formerly known as WalkAmerica) because my daughter is one of the countless babies saved by the March of Dimes mission to save babies. Please support my fundraising efforts by sponsoring me in March for Babies today.

This is Ava's story and why I choose to walk:
Ava had an early start on life when she surprised us all and came into the world five weeks too soon. She was a NICU baby for the first 11 days of her life. Those 11 days were the longest days of my life as it felt like we were living in slow motion.

Ava suffered from Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RSD) and Apnea along with a few other complications from being born too soon. Every step forward she made she also seemed to take a step back. Ava taught me to take everything one day at a time as we tackled these setbacks one by one.

On August 3, 2006, we were finally allowed to take Ava home from the NICU. She came home with an apnea monitor which she needed for 6 months as she frequently stopped breathing in her sleep. After that, Ava quickly grew out of her prematurity and her days of lingering below the growth curve.

Now at a year and a half she is completely healthy and almost above the growth curve as she is growing so quickly and developing right on schedule. Looking at her now you would never know that she was a preemie or the challenges she faced to get where she is now.

No parent should ever have to go through what thousands of parents like us have to go through when their baby is born too soon. No mother should be left in her hospital bed with empty arms while her baby is fighting to live in the NICU. No parent should ever have to wait days or even weeks just to hold their newborn baby. But sadly some parents have to and that is why I am thankful that the March of Dimes is making progress in the fight against prematurity.

Please support me by joining my team or making a donation to sponsor me. Contributing to my march online is fast, easy and secure. You can donate directly from my personal webpage with a credit/debit card or PayPal. If you prefer, I can also accept cash or check. Just click the appropriate box on my webpage.

I've joined with millions of compassionate people across the country who support March for Babies each year. Please help me support this worthy cause. Visit my webpage and sponsor me in the march that saves babies!

With your support, there's hope.

Visit my Personal page where you can sign up to walk or make a donation:
Thank you for your support. It means the world to me! ♥

1 comment:

What to Get Your Woman said...

OK, you rule! I love that you love my blog! Thanks for reading it! :)